NAME="keywords" CONTENT="learning, educational website, educational resource, cultural learning, world learning, discover cultures, discover fiji, explore Fiji, visit Fiji, travel fiji, Fiji culture, Fiji People, Fijians, Indo - Fijians, Indo - Fijian culture, learn about Fiji, Fijian traditions, Fijian customs, Fijian houses, Fijian food, Fijian games, Fiji beaches, teddy in Fiji, family learning, schools, learning, discovery, community, culture, travels, journey, reality learning, Fiji huts, Fiji homes, Fiji buildings, island houses, village houses in Fiji, Teddy in Fijian house, Fijian homes, Fijian kitchen,
The One World Project
I helped a lady sweep her floors and the earth around her house.

I was really good at helping. Children in Fiji always help around the house. The lady said "Thank you" to me.

The broom was made by someone in the village. Isn't it great to make things yourself?