Teddy's World Wide Home

Hi again. This is where I tell you all about my website and give you bits of help to use it. Oh wait a minute that will mean a lot of typing. I have a better idea. This is where Richard will tell you all about my website. Now where is my book. I need a quiet read.

OK. So here I am. Substitute for a bear. Teddy's website is there to let you see more about the countries and the people who live in our world. It has two main parts.

TEDDY'S SECTION (Travel with me)

The first part is written by Teddy, when he's not reading his book, and it will all start from the My Journey page. Click on a flag and you can find out more about each country we have visited. After you click the flag you come to the introduction page for that country. This is an example for Fiji. This page follows the same format for all pages written by Teddy about each country. On the introduction page, you can go straight to Teddy's blog.

The blog will always start with some information about the country, a map, which is interactive, more later, and a look at the terrain and climate. Then there will be pages which look at some, or all, of the following categories; people, houses, food, clothes, games, traditions and Teddy's special discoveries.

There is little block on the left hand side which will link you to other pages. The first item will either be the time in that country or a link to a video which you can download. Depending on your speed of connection this video may take some time to downland but we have tried to make them as quick as possible while not losing quality. The second item in the block will, if available, be a link to more information about one of the categories shown above. The third item takes you to the my friends section, see below for info about this, while the last will take you back to the My Journey page.

While you are in the blog section you can move backwards and forwards using the �back� and �next� icons. Once in the category section you can do the same but the second link in the left box will always take you back to the page you left in the blog section.

These category pages can also be reached, again when available, from the introduction page at the end of Teddy's journey to that country. The same format allows you to go backwards and forwards through the section but the link will always take you back to the introduction page for that country.

When you click on a video link, the video will attempt to download in the same box as the picture was in. After watching the video, clicking �back� or �next� will take you, guess what, to the previous or next page.

Map instructions

We are pleased to be using Google maps on this website. The default map we will load for each country is the satellite image at its best zoom. We will place a marker where the country is and, as far as possible, centre that marker, making zoom easier. You can move between this satellite image, a more conventional map, and a hybrid version which shows roads, place names etc. You can zoom in and out using the plus and minus keys on the map and move the map using the arrows keys. The central key between the arrows takes you back to the default setting. Have fun with this and use it to check out any places Teddy mentions in his text.


This section is still being developed, more soon